Sunday, May 24, 2020

Desirees Baby Analysis Essay - 1415 Words

Abstract This essay will focus on the short story by Kate Chopin and its use of symbols, setting and characters. Desiree’s baby was perhaps one of the best stories I’ve ever read. Analyzing it was not easy at all. Its use of symbols was very hard to comprehend. At first, it doesn’t make sense. But as you think critically, all the symbols, and setting and the characters in this literature plunge together in one amazing story. Literary Analysis on Kate Chopins Desirees Baby â€Å"Tell me what it means!† she cried despairingly.† It means,† he answered lightly, â€Å"that the child is not white; it means that you are not white† (Chopin, p. 192). Kate Chopins Desirees Baby is a well-known short story. â€Å"In her life, Kate Chopin†¦show more content†¦In the very beginning Desiree was left on a stone pillar at the Valmonde estate; it is also here that Armand Aubigny sees her and falls instantly in love with her. The stone pillar is a symbol of firm, forced male dominance in a patriarchal society. It is how men were of superior to anybody else. Desiree grew into a beautiful and gentle-hearted young woman and soon found a wealthy suitor asking for her hand. This young suitor was Armand Aubigny. He had known of Desiree’s past but was in love and did not care. Armand Aubigny’s character in this story was racist and despicable but the young bride was in love and looked past his faulty character. Early in the story the narrator describes the scenery of the plantation, LAbri, which was owned by the Aubigny and says, young Aubignys rule was a strict one, too, and under it his Negroes had forgotten how to be gay, as they had been during the old masters easy-going and indulgent lifetime (Chopin, p. 190). This shows Aubignys egotism and indifference toward his slaves. His treatment of the slaves as possessions rather than human beings reveals that Aubigny has no consideration when dealing with blacks. The way Madame Valmonde described the LAbri as â€Å"a sad looking place, which for many years had not known the gentle presence of a mistress† (Chopin, p. 190), may have been a hint at Armand’s evil nature in the story. He was raised without a mother. His motherShow MoreRelatedDesirees Baby Literary Analysis1989 Words   |  8 Pagesstories Desirees Baby, The Story of an Hour, At the Cadian Ball, and A Pair of Silk Stockings, were w ritten in the 19th century in times when women had no rights, and had to portray an image of a loving wife. They were considered selfish if they thought otherwise, and their job was to make their husbands happy at all times. This was the century of a turning point for women, in which they had desires test their limits imposed on their sex. 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